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Attendance & Main Office


For the safety of our students, we require written authorization in advance to release students. You must allow two hours to process these requests. This may be accomplished in several ways:

  • Send a written note with your student in the morning, a pass will be prepared and handed to your student to leave as instructed.  If this is not possible, a parent/legal guardian is required to come to the front door and sign their student out.
  • Email the DHS attendance office at

When submitting written notification please include the following information: student’s name, date, and time student is to leave, and indicate if student will be returning.

If you are having your student picked up by someone not on your Infinite Campus contact list, that person will be required to come into the front office sign your student out and provide a photo ID. 

Freshmen and Sophomores will not be released during lunch period without a parent/guardian physically coming to the school to sign them out and sign them back in.

For more information regarding the School District's Board Policy Attendance, please view the Board Policy 504BP .

Attendance Line

Phone: 775-782-5136


Please include the following in the email:

  • Student name
  • Date & time student is leaving
  • Reason for absence
  • Indicate if student will be returning

 Truancies-Parents/legal guardians have three days to clear an absence from the time a student returns to school (BP 504).  After three school-days, the absence will become a truancy.  If a student receives foutruancies in a school-year, they will be eligible to attend a truancy hearing.  The 3 preferred ways to excuse an absence.

1.       Call the school and talk to someone in the front office, or leave a voicemail at 782-5136 ext. 2

2.       Email the attendance people at

3.       Send a note with your student and have them drop it off at the front office in the morning

  • Remember, you have three days to clear an absence prior to it turning into a truancy.

  • Students are not allowed to leave school during the school day unless they follow the proper procedures. The student’s parent/guardian must notify the front officer prior to the student leaving campus, AND the student MUST sign-out at the front office PRIOR to leaving campus. 

  • If your student arrives late to school, that must be excused.  if they miss more than half the first period of the school-day, it will be counted as an absence, and if not cleared within three days it will turn to a truancy.  It would be best to bring a note to school with you whenever you are late.

  • Students cited for truancy will lose the privilege of having, or obtaining, a driver’s license and be assigned community service.  


You may not be absent from a class more than 9 periods during a semester or you may receive "No Grade" (NG) for that class.

If you have more than 9 absences in a class during a semester, you need to appeal the additional absences. You must make up the work and have your teacher sign it that you have done so. 

You can get appeal information from the attendance secretary at extension 1870 or the truancy officer at extension 1833.

Truancies are unexcused absences. These not only count into your total, but they can also cause you to receive detentions and loss of full credit on missing assignments and tests.


If you come late to class without a pass you are not excused.

  • Tardy #1-2 Teacher warning.
  • Tardy #3-5 Teacher will hold student after class; possible contact of parent.
  • Tardy #6-9 Results in 4 days lunch detention + 2 additional days lunch detention for 1 day missed.
  • Tardy #10-15 Results in 10 days lunch detention + 2 additional days of lunch detention for any 1 day missed.
  • #16 Tardies- Results in 1 day ISS and a call home. Parent or guardian may offer to shadow student instead of ISS.

Additional tardies will result in further ISS and potential OSS.

As an upper classman -- You may lose off campus privileges.